Wednesday, March 17, 2010

A Community Divided. Who is our neighbor?

In speaking to homeowners over the past several weeks, I have learned that we are a community that is divide. There are those that are happy because they can call the HOA board at any time and get a freindly response. There is a second group who have experienced less than welcoming responses when contacting the HOA and the final group who have never received a response or had their calls answered after the initial contact.

Most of those that were happy live closer to members of the Board who all live in the same general area. Proximity seems to elicit better treatment. This made me wonder about myself and how I treat neighbors in our subdivision. Are we more inclied to treat neighbors that live closer to us with more kindness and courtesy that we do those that live further away from us?

Is our neighbor just the person that lives next door or the whole community?
What would change if we were neighborly to them all?

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